Warming glow…

Lying on my bed watching the clouds and drizzle sweep past the hills on a mid summer day has inspired me to put another post up. The warm glow of light radiating from the cliffs and rocks in this image feels nice to me on this wet and windy summer’s day.

‘Undertow glow – Vic’



~ by Tony Middleton on January 10, 2011.

10 Responses to “Warming glow…”

  1. Cool image mate, good contrasts of the sea foam and the cliffs.

  2. Another great shot Tony.
    Been a strange summer thus far.

  3. Great seascape, nicely captured Tony.

  4. I love this photo Tony, the water movement looks brilliant!


  5. hi Lloyd – thanks for stopping by and commenting.
    tone 🙂

  6. Great stuff Tony, Infact all your latest stuff is right up there, really enjoying all the new posts.

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