Infinity reflections….

Back to the desert and Lake Eyre for this post, This was shot at the same location as the vertical pano a couple of posts back. Wading out through the bog and mud was always going to happen… the funny thing was, whilst shooting I would continually be sinking and even though I was a long way out the water was only about a foot deep due to the ridiculously flat salt pan/lake bed. Yet the mud was as sticky as any you would find anywhere… Makes a nice smelly mess when you have no true shower facilities for days.

‘ Infinity reflections –  Lake Eyre South ’

~ by Tony Middleton on September 22, 2010.

16 Responses to “Infinity reflections….”

  1. Another cool array of Tones from the Tone Man himself dude!

  2. awesome stuff. great piece of luck with those clouds hanging on the horizon but I guess that you create your own luck in this gig by getting out there in the first place

    • Thanks Mate, Very true, you gotta be in it to win it !
      That particular trip was a classic example, I experienced a few absolutely cracking twilights along with days of rain and as I have noted in an earlier post how I spent 3 days in an isolated desert waiting for an inkling of light with no avail.

  3. Stunning Tone…whenever I get a home again, I wish to have this at 4 meters wide on a wall. An absolute perfect journey into simplicity. No words needed as it takes my breath and words away.

    (also confirms that this location is a must visit for me! How will it look in Summer?)

    • hey Flem, Yeah it would be great to see it large that’s for sure. There really is something special with minimalist infinitly vast landscapes hey. It will be hot, and arid in summer, I’d imagine some water, somewhere (it’s about 180x80km in size). Due to it being so shallow the water moves about with persistant prevailing winds – pretty cool hey !

      tone 🙂

      • Yeah this study of gazing, inscaping into infinty is almost what all of my landscape photography is about. Endless entities.

        I must visit, simply sounds like a stunning location.

  4. Very extraordinary shot !

  5. Another great shot from Murray Fredericks Middleton. Sorry couldn’r resist that one Tony. Certainly look’s as good that’s for sure. Love it.

    • haha – I’ll take that as a compliment, funny thing is I had been wanting to get out there the last 2 times (in the last decade) when it’s got a decent amount of water and it wasn’t until this year that could I make it. Not a hell of a lot you can do to differently out there – lol

  6. Super colours mate, love it.

  7. Hey Tony, awesome shot tone, simply stunning colours
    Cheers Adrian

  8. OMG the pic of Lake Eyre has help us decide that we are holiday there very soon, Im bringing my camera for sure. Beautiful shot hope mine turn out like this.

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