between fires and time…

 Well after a tragic week in Victoria I thought I might post a shot from about 10days ago. One I took on my way home from a w/e job. This is a few days after the Mirboo nth-Delburn-Boolarra complex of fires in Gippsland that destroyed 30 homes – but thankfully no lives lost in this one.  This is 7 days prior to the tragic events of Feb.7.  It’s looking northwards from the central Strzelecki ranges over a strong agricultural area of potatoes and dairy.This was once all rainforest and even had the tallest tree in the world…but…they cut it down then measured it…Clever hey !  It came in at 114.8m for memory !

 Also in the shot are large pulse storms developing on the divide from which lightning triggered fires ‘near’ the Thompson reservoir. The right of frame is just a haze from the mass of smoke pouring off the Mirboo nth-Delburn-Boolarra complex of fires.


‘smokey storms’– 5 image stitch, Canon EOS 5D mkII.

~ by Tony Middleton on February 12, 2009.

8 Responses to “between fires and time…”

  1. nice scene mate. I wonder what they felt cutting down all those trees. Nothing probably. It’s like smoking, it was ok once. I hope we are wising up fast enough to save our planet.

  2. Nice shot. Can’t help but be touched by the tragic events of last weekend. Even over here in WA we are feeling it like our own. The generosity of everyone after this event is astounding to say the least and goes in a very small way to ease some of the pain of those involved I’m sure.

    The rebuilding process will be long and slow with a lot of heartache to come yet.

  3. Nice image Tony, Merv has said everything that I could say.

  4. Very nice ‘country’ landscape, a bit of Hobbiton fairy tale look to it.
    Even here in Denmark, the bush fires are all over the news and everyone is very touched by the great tragedy. I read the fire had the same energy as 500 atomic bombs, some people got trapped and killed literally on their way to their car, fire was that fast and hot.

  5. Christian – yep, exactly hey…it’s just the way it was.I know of stories from old timers that they cleared parts of these Strzelecki rainforests by waiting for some hot weather and putting a match to it, then cleaning up the areas with bullock teams… When settlers first came to the region its diversity and beauty was staggering and the Superb Lyrebird was so prolific that it became know as the land of the lyrebird !

    Merv – cheers mate…it’s reached worldwide and is still staggering and shattering to us all.

    Michael – thanks mate !

    Flemming – ta, just showing the rural side of the region I guess. 🙂 The fire stories and devastation is staggering to us all !

  6. Great shot Tony, I love the contrast of the green in the foreground with the yellow in the background, with a nice flowing creek to lead you though the whole shot. Keeps your eye busy the whole time.

  7. Lovely scene mate,
    Look how primitive it is in Tasmania and parts of Far East Gippsland, still logging the old growth forest.
    They just need to implement an immediate ban like cattle grazing in the high country. Huge damage to native flora and fauna to support dying communities. It’s political suicide to make the policies, but they will wear off.

  8. Casey – thanks mate, I’m glad you like it.

    Tom – Yep the logging practises are beyond comprehension ! My sister teaches/runs herbarium at Melb uni and has being running a 2 wk botany field trip/course in the highplains for 12yrs..don’t get her started on the damage of hooved animals (cattle grazing) in the high country…devastates it !


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