granite on fire

A winters afternoon walk along the coast and the warm light defies the actual temperature, but there are more rewards to be had than most may believe.It seems it is all to easy for everyone to be set in their routines and at home preparing for the evening chores or meals.

 As the late afternoon light sets the pink granite afire and the air chills rapidly with the sun low in the sky. I feel so lucky or is that stupid for being the only one out experiencing these moments in the cold.. ? It’s definitely lucky imo !


Granite on fire – Fuji G617, Velvia 100F.

~ by Tony Middleton on August 12, 2008.

8 Responses to “granite on fire”

  1. That is simply gorgeous, very good 617 work ! Has that lovely Velvia look and the light is super nice. Composition wise I feel it can perhaps get a bit stronger by trying to get the coast line to run corner to corner and have the cluster of rocks in the middle a bit more off-center.

  2. Nice shot mate ,
    Love the colors , looks like you had great light there .

  3. cheers Flemming ! Sometimes working with the G617 can be a bit limiting to composition due to the fixed 105mm and the confines of the scene you are within.

    Glad you like it 🙂

  4. Thanks Kirk – The light was nice but not spectacular…always a waiting game isn’t it ! (not necessarily waiting on a light during a twilight, but more so light to occur at a location – if that makes sense…).

  5. Yeah I know what you mean Tony, using the 617 I am always wishing for a zoom lens or some interchangeable lenses to better the composition.

  6. yeah – the 105mm is not quite wide enough for me in some cases. In this one you can see the wet sand from the surf/waves. I had to wait for a prolonged lull so I could set up my tripod that close to the waters edge to compose and then of course it wants to sink slowly etc… all whilst hoping the light lasts and I can finish an exposure before more waves wash up. All good fun though 🙂

  7. Great shot Tony. nice colour tones and movement. I know exactly what you mean with the 105mm lens. Over the past few years I have been finding it more and more restrictive. Tomorrow (Monday 17th Aug) I should receive my GX617 with a 90mm lens. Yay.

  8. cheers Matt – have fun with the GX, they are very very SWEEEEET !


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